Where to take cardboard boxes?

Preschool Ditches Brand-Name Toys for Cardboard Boxes, Shocked to Discover That Kids Don't Care
May 20, 2015 – 11:01 am

Preschool Ditches Brand-Name Toys for Cardboard Boxes, Shocked to Discover That Kids Don't CareWhen a preschool teacher in Ohio decided to replace all the toys and learning materials in the class with cardboard boxes and other raw materials, he expected some grumbling from his three-year-old students.

Much to his surprise, he received none whatsoever.

"Not one of them complained about not having a toys and it was actually really cool because some of the quieter kids actually got to show leadership roles in projects, " Pete Kaser told NBC4.

Indeed, not only did the kids enjoy playing with boxes more than they ever enjoyed playing with brand-name toys, but the experiment actually saw some behavioral changes take place as well.

"Kids who had trouble separating from their parents in the morning or just were quieter in the classroom, we have actually seen them become leaders and we have seen them grow, " Kaser noted.

Source: gawker.com
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Popular Q&A
How long does it take for a cardboard box to biodegrade?

It depends on the mass of the cardboard
I did an experiment and found out that in 2 weeks cardboard's mass decreased 0.04g so if a piece of cardboard has the mass of 0.40g it'll take 20 weeks.
I put that piece of cardboard in a landfill and put water in it 1 time
It depends on the conditions. It Takes About 2-3 months depending on the environment.
It takes 4 wks for a cardboard box to biodegrade!

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