Cardboard Collection boxes
We are pleased to let you know you will soon be able to recycle household cardboard as part of the kerbside recycling scheme.
When we start collecting in your area we will provide you with a reusable bag to put your cardboard in and we will collect it on your normal kerbside recycling collection day.
Please contain your cardboard entirely within the bag. You will need to flat pack all your cardboard and tear up any larger items so they fit within the bag otherwise we may not be able to collect it.
You may notice the collection team may not arrive at their usual time. It is therefore important that you leave your recycling out between the hours of 8.30am and 5pm before reporting that your recycling has been 'missed'.
We will only be able to collect cardboard that is contained within the bag. If you have a large item of cardboard e.g. packaging for a TV or computer, please take it to a Household Waste Recycling Site for recycling.